Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mini December/2010 Challenge

So I'm trying to give myself some motivation for grinding out the games here over the next week.  I think my muse is in the form of my first $10 stellar bonus.  To achieve this initial bonus at PokerStars you have to earn 750 VIP Player Points (VPPs).  VPPs are awarded based on rake at a set conversion rate depending on the type of game that you are playing.  The SNGs (and all tournaments) award VPPs at a rate of 5.5 VPPs per $1 in rake paid.

Currently I have 585.37 VPPs for 2010 (they reset at the beginning of next year) meaning I need to earn 165 more VPPs this year to earn this award.  At a conversion rate of 5.5 this turns out to be roughly $30 of rake paid; and being that the $1.10 DONs I've been playing are .10 of rake per game, I need to grind 300 of them over the next few days to earn the reward.

Double or Nothings
My last few sessions of DONs have been loaded/handled primarily by TableNinja.  I basically set it to load 10 tables at at time and keep them going for 60 minutes.  By doing this I've been able to load about 22 games in that 60 minute time frame.  I'd like to up my continuous table count to about 15 or perhaps even 20 and I'd also like to play for longer sessions, perhaps initially by upping it to 120 minutes.  One drawback of the DONs as compared to the 45 mans is that they don't get the once an hour break that I actually really enjoy.  That break allows me to get up and clear my head for 5 minutes, and also allows me to grab a snack or take a bathroom break.  Regardless, I think that only given a few days I'm going to have to do 20 tables for 120 minutes or something so that I can hit the 300 mark.

If I continue to have good results I will up my table count even higher.  I don't want to go too high right now given bankroll limitations.  My BR currently stands at $82.13, so when I'm 20 tabling I have roughly 1/4 of my entire roll on the table.  I'm confident that I'm profitable at these games but I still don't want to lose 1/4 of my roll in one session of running bad!

In any case, it's time to stop blogging and start grinding.  Best of luck at the tables for the remainder of 2010! :)


  1. I saw your blog from 2+2. I play $2.25 Turbo 9 Mans on FTP. Moving up to the $6.50s January 1st. I'll be following your blog. GL

  2. Thanks Mike! Best of luck to you as well.
